Parish Priest: Fr Aaron Spinelli
Welcome to the website of our parish and thank you for visiting us online. We hope you enjoy visiting our website.
We are a Catholic Faith community in West Surrey. Our parish comprises a number of villages, but is quite urban in places. It also encompasses very beautiful rural parts of Surrey. We are a flourishing community where usually over 550 people gather each Sunday for Mass.
We have our own parish school, The Marist Catholic Primary School and many young families make up a part of our diverse parish. We are engaged in many pastoral and social activities.
We would be delighted to warmly welcome you in person to our parish. Our Church is open for Mass and private prayer. Alternatively, live streaming of the celebration of Mass can be followed on YouTube. We also have a community Facebook page: Our Lady Help of Christians West Byfleet Facebook Community
Mass readings and morning and evening prayer can be found on the Universalis website: https://universalis.com/.
Giving / Donate
Many people who wish to make regular donations find that it is simpler for them to complete a Standing Order with their bank. If you wish to do this, please send us the Standing Order Form, which is available below. If you are a tax payer, please also complete the Gift Aid Declaration:
Standing Order: Standing Order Form
Gift Aid Declaration: Gift Aid Declaration
For full details of the different ways you can donate, including online giving, please see: How Can I Give to the Parish?
Live Camera Stream
Sunday Vigil Mass: Saturday 6pm.
Sunday: 9.15am and 11am.
Please check the complete list and more details on the page of Mass Times.